One of the best nights of the year! Shut the curtains, huddle up on the sofa and prepare for a night of fun yet tacky entertainment on bbc1. All in the name of a good cause aswell. We have already given our donation for the yellow bear. I remember my favoraite children in need night. I had canoed (not on my own but with a youth club) from aldermaston (village around 5 miles outside reading border) to the Oracle shopping mall (in town centre) having to walk and drag the canoe around all the locks on the way as some fool forgot the key! And when we got into the town we dragged a kayak through the town centre for people to drop change in and we were all given buckets for people to drop change in aswell! We raised (including the sponsor money for the canoe trip) just under 300 pound. Dont sound much but that probably fed a few starving kids.
I have found out some of the greatest news in the video game world this week. Destroy all humans has been deemed popular enough for FOX to commision a tv show based just after DAH1. If this rumour is true I cant wait for the UK release!!!
Last of all i have begun to type up chapter 1 of my story so expect it up on the net anytime soon!
so thats all for now so thanks for reading and please donate to children in need as it would really hurt my feeling to think any reader of my blog would be that cold hearted (readers outside uk not included).
Dragging a kayak would get people's attention - and you got the exercise.
Every year the local Fire Department members bring stand outside malls and other shopping areas with fire-boots for the donations. I always give loonies or two-nies (our $1 and $2 coins).
I haven't tried DAH. I have been playing Age of Mythology too much.
cool. You got to try DAH.
I was thinking about the chapter you are working on and I went and reread my Fire Tales fiction blog. I guess I will have to revive it. :)
I even managed to keep everything in readable portions.
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