Saturday, October 28, 2006

First chapter nearly finished

Ok I know it was only a couple of days ago I posted about me starting the draft but I feel I dont want my chapters to be too long winded. It really puts me off a book when there could be a chapter stuck in a certain place giving you a chance to rest without losing your place. Im hoping to make a fairly big piece of the first chapter though and I really think I got some of the character layouts perfectly. But im the author so of course I would say that about my work. I think I explained the basic storyline to you in my previous blog but I really am thinking about sticking more modern day issues into the storyline so then it will complicate the relationship a bit. I am also trying to think of a romantic place in the world but I also need scuba diving to be involved aswell as this will be involved in a a key scene in the story. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. So for all of you intrested please post comments or ideas for my story and there will be more to come on the subject hopefully very soon.

Other topics: I have decided to turn down the babysitting job that I was scheduled to do from monday as I think that what i was going to do would not be my cup of tea. But Im being paid a pound an hour for helping my mum build a website believe it or not!

after nearly a week in deprresion I am starting to think about going emo. Of course I doubt i will but it dont help that people have started to call me one (whether its a joke or not).

I have nothing much else to say so see you soon!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The latest news!

Hiya all!!!! A few intresting things have happened since I last posted on here so lets start from the first one and work up to today. My first intresting thing is I have bought 2 new games one for my ps2 and one for my pc. Spartan Total Warrior and Star Wars Republic Commando. I played Republic Commando (a squad based first person shooter) all day and completed the singleplayer and everytime I go on multiplayer I do very well. Spartan Total Warrior (a slash 'em up from the creators of the total war saga) is a rather mediocre game compared to what i thought it was going to be and was rather dissapointed with it.
Second intressting thing that has happened recently is I got a job! Not a huge job but a good one none the less. 60 pounds for a week of babysitting 10 till 4. Not bad eh? Well looking forward too it as I love looking after kids and the kid im looking after just loves too be around me (Im the only one that can get reigns on her)
And finaly I have started a draft of a story I am determined to get published. A romance story, its about a pair of kids who have not met each other except on a chatroom on the net and too scared of asking each other out because off knowing that it could be a paedophile on the other end untill they meet on a holiday by complete chance. So I think thats it so see you soon!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Visited Thorpe Park!

This week I have been to thorpe park. It was one of the best times I have ever had!I went on most of the rollercoasters (stealth was shut thank god!) and they were great! It was part of a friends birthday package and she invited me along! I guess the only bad thing is tat i nearly had the shit kicked out of me by some bullies.
heres a vid of one of the coasters.
not a lot else to say now so bye!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Hello There!

Hello to everyone reading this! As you can probably tell this is my first post and that by my blog title I want to be an author.

I am a 14 year old male with a mild dose of aspergers syndrome. For those of you who dont know what AS is, its a learning diffuculty. Most common signs are that they dont like change, very observant and takes everything litterally. I am taught at home with my brother and sister (aged 9 & 10) and before you ask yes its legal. I have always loved Star Wars as I recieved the special editions as a christmas present when I was a toddler and after watching it I would always reenact the scene when Han solo runs into the hangar screaming then to be chased by a legion of stormtroopers. Since then I have become a very sci-fi orientated person. I also love to read. The first book I read and enjoyed was when I was 10/11 (dont remember) and it was point blanc by Anthony Horowitz. Since reading that book I have collected nearly all of his works also reading other books (looking glass wars, Artemis fowl, I-robot) and developed a taste for writing fan fiction and short stories. Now I am beggining to write a novel as I am starting to plan to plan the basic storyline as I type! (not in paper but in my head!)

So thats a brief chat about me. So If you like the sounds of me then keep reading as i will keep writing about my process in life and my novel!

My metal gear solid tribute