Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The latest news!

Hiya all!!!! A few intresting things have happened since I last posted on here so lets start from the first one and work up to today. My first intresting thing is I have bought 2 new games one for my ps2 and one for my pc. Spartan Total Warrior and Star Wars Republic Commando. I played Republic Commando (a squad based first person shooter) all day and completed the singleplayer and everytime I go on multiplayer I do very well. Spartan Total Warrior (a slash 'em up from the creators of the total war saga) is a rather mediocre game compared to what i thought it was going to be and was rather dissapointed with it.
Second intressting thing that has happened recently is I got a job! Not a huge job but a good one none the less. 60 pounds for a week of babysitting 10 till 4. Not bad eh? Well looking forward too it as I love looking after kids and the kid im looking after just loves too be around me (Im the only one that can get reigns on her)
And finaly I have started a draft of a story I am determined to get published. A romance story, its about a pair of kids who have not met each other except on a chatroom on the net and too scared of asking each other out because off knowing that it could be a paedophile on the other end untill they meet on a holiday by complete chance. So I think thats it so see you soon!!!!

1 comment:

Leon said...

Hi Duncan,

I am sure I have AS too although I was never tested for it. So many of the characteristics fit me. I managed to make my way through High School and University.

Your chat story is interesting. Keep writing and blogging. getting things down "on paper" is important. I quit writing fiction for a few years and started a fiction blog after blogging for a year or so. Blogging itself is a good way to meet new friends too.


My metal gear solid tribute